Thursday, May 27, 2010

Making Friends with the Halo Effect

Making Friends with the Halo Effect
But just as selective perception is an adversary of logical judgement, so is it an ally of a strong negotiator or marketing professional. Since both of these professions leverage the use of "street psychology", any weapon to be found that can be used to ones advantage is fair game. So the power of the Halo Effekt is certainly enticing in these areas, but how does one harness the power of the HaloEffect?
NLP rapport building techniques such as pacing exponentially increase the perception that the pacer is very similar to the observer. This can cause the observer of these pacing tactics to view a halo around the pacer and more readily act in the manner desired by the NLP practitioner.
Leveraging well known social biases can also be an effective means of securing favor. For example, people who wear glasses are frequently perceived as more intelligent. Doctors with white lab coats and stethoscopes are perceived as more capable. Someone who is "dressed for success" cares more about doing a good job. And the list goes on. Rather than fighting these socialized norms, catering to them can allow one to slingshot from existing biases and harness their power to attain a more desirable decision from another party.
A few well known pieces of advice are actually invitations to leverage the haol effekt.
"You are known by the company you keep." This nugget of wisdom just comes right out and says it. Others are judging you, and one of the factors they consider is your peer group. By maintaining a peer group of high performers, aside from the self improving psycho-social benefits, this adage tells us, others will view us favorable or unfavorably based on this one known factor.
"You only have one chance to make a good first impression." While this tidbit is not so forthcoming as the previous, on can readily infer from it that a first impression can have a powerful and lasting impact. So, if the first thing you or your company does for a new client is tremendous, and exhibits overwhelming dedication, service, and talent -- all subsequent actions will be viewed within this hlao. Delays, issues with quality or workmanship, and even incompetence can be overlooked. Citing prior successes as a benchmark, singularly negative events and even strings of events can be completely sidestepped having delivered well initially.

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