Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tips on Applying for Entry to MBA Programs

Your form should be clear, complete and neat. When read quickly by someone who does not know you, it should give a clear picture of you.· Spend sufficient time - do the job properly. This is the first hurdle - most people fall here · Photocopy the blank form several times and fill out several drafts before you fill out the copy to submit. Get someone to look at your drafts - preferably someone who doesn't know you too well and who can therefore see the document as an admissions person in the school might see it. · If you are applying to a school in another country, remember that you might not get an interview so the application documents are particularly important. · If the application form refers to interviews and you are in another country, offer to be interviewed by telephone and/or by a local allumnus of the school.The Resume, or CV
If a separate personal resume or CV is required, it should:· Be concise and neat (typed rather than handwritten)· Present you - as a person - clearly , to someone who does not know you · Be specific - saying what you have done, learnt and accomplished · Show evidence of your managerial and leadership skills · Show evidence that you are a good 'group worker' - most programs will need you to work in this way · Highlight specific skills and abilities that will differentiate you from others - and make you stand out from the crowd · Include some things that might become topics in an interview · Remember - spend time on your resume, and make it show. The school will want to see that you are taking them seriously

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