Sunday, July 25, 2010

Disappointment with Oakville Public Schools

Our disappointment with the less advanced curriculum in Oakville Public Schools has been great. Obviously every family and every child is different and may not have the exact same experience that our children had. However, we are certain that the public school education we encountered in Oakville would not prepare them for the next higher grade in a US public school without additional support and instruction. After our move to Oakville, ON , we have had multiple reinforcements that our disappointing experience with elementary education in Ontario is not dissimilar to other US ex-Pats utilizing the Ontario Public Schools. Also, we have been told by multiple Ontario teachers, who taught in the US, that the Elementary program here is weaker, especially in Math. We have learned that many of the Private schools use a curriculum more typical in the US and to do so, utilize the text books for a higher Ontario the Grade 6 private school children use the Grade 7 Ontario Math public school text book. From our findings, the Ontario private schools offer a curriculum that is greatly enriched from the Ontario public schools and more inline with the expectations of American schools we have experienced. As a result of what we learned, we decided to make the very difficult decision to move our children to a Private School in Ontario to finish their education while we are here. This was not an easy choice, but one, we are certain will be to their benefit in the long-run.

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