Sunday, July 25, 2010

European Schools score better on tests then USA

Education also receives a bad reputation in the United States because, the United States does not filter its students. In many countries in Europe and Asia, the low performing students are put on a technical track and removed from the main system of education. Therefore their statistics do not include the low performing students while US statistics do include those students because no separate technical path is available in most places. (Personally, I think that we should have more technical options, but not having one is logically skewing the statistics.) Granted, there are some very low performing areas in the United States — Houston city schools come to mind — but the issues are more complex than “European Schools score better on tests.” Also, you fail to mention merit based scholarships when comparing the costs of Universities. In a fair comparison, one might note the huge drag on the German economy that the free universities have. Students can stay in school practically forever sucking up tax dollars and providing no economic value.

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